Why are There so Many Different Prices for Hearing Aids?

Hearing aid pricing seems like a bunch of random numbers. For most other products the price is proportional to their cost. But there are other factors in this product category. There are the “Big Six” makers who claim the most features and highest quality. They are usually sold by highly-educated and experienced audiologists, who also offer a bunch of related services such as measuring the customers’ needs, customizing the hearing aids (e.g., making custom-fit earpieces), and cleaning earwax from ears and the hearing aids).

You Can Hear Better Using an iPhone or Apple Watch

Apple products offer a wide range of capabilities thanks to its hardware and apps. Among those apps are ways to hear better.

For those wearing hearing aids made by major manufacturers Oticon, Resound, Starkey, or Widex, they can use the Apple Watch app.

And those people not wearing hearing aids can use Apple AirPods.

One of the reasons that people who are hard of hearing don’t wear hearing aids is that they don’t want others to think they are “over the hill”. But Apple AirPod users are unlikely to feel that way, nor are Apple Watch wearers (there’s an April 5, 2018, YouTube on CNET called “Can hearing aids be as hip as the Apple Watch?”)

Bone Conduction Headphones Are Not Only for Listening to Music

People who are deaf or hard-of-hearing often have a variety of ailments. Because no one technology works for all of them, such people need to match their ailment with the best technology for them. It appears that conventional hearing aids manufactured by one of the “Big Six” are often not the best. One of the other alternatives is “Bone Conduction Headphones.”

Hearing Aids Can Take Advantage of the Same Custom Earpieces Used for Listening to Music

Ears come in all sizes and shapes, but hearing aids usually come with only two or three sizes. We wondered if Pixel Buds or AirPods used for listening to smartphones or similar products, such as Custom Earplugs by Selective Sounds, could be adapted to be used with hearing aids. Our search found a few that appear to be good possibilities: